Day 29 (Last Day on the Bike)

107 miles right to the finish. 29 days of biking and 2 days intensive care in Beaumont Hospital took us from Dog Beach in San Diego to St Augustine, Florida. Phase 2 (after the broken back) was over 1000 miles in last 10 days. The salt water caused the runny eyes.

1. Lunch was at Gator Bait. The menu was obviously suited to the name. Peggy took a ride on the pet Zebra. The Alpha Team can ride anything.

2. Big push today for MS donations. Thanks to all thinking of this great cause.

3. Doctor Mike ran over a large black snake on the ride. Snake survived and mouth to mouth wasn’t necessary. We were ready to choose it out.

4. At least 50 miles of today’s ride was on bike trails. Big Mike practiced his catch and release with some other bikers. He lets nobody go past him for long.

5. Mike’s wife captured our photos when we finished up. Anticlimactic? Not sure about that. But an odd feeling.

6. Had some videos done..short and sweet.

7. So I have to say that I am sore from head to toe. My face healing fast but the rest is tired.

8. Tailwind all day today. Very little climbing. We still have to pedal but quite a difference from some of the big climbing days in the heat.

9. Sammy made us a victory cake. A round pastry in the form of a wheel was created in 1910 by Louis Durand to commemorate the Paris-Brest-Paris race. Need to start watching calories again now that bike ride is over. But first a second slice!

10. Need to thank the team, the donors, the support staff and others. Also have some introspective comments to pass on. Kindly give me the chance to do one more blog tomorrow to wrap this up.

- TS, 2022

Cross country wrap up


Day 28