Cross country wrap up

Well that finishes up the Alpha Team ride across the country to benefit MS. Talk about a journey. We had 29 days of biking totaling nearly 3100 miles. We also had a few accidents. In the end we were able to finish what we started. Thanks for taking the time to follow our exploits and putting up with this odd blog. Some final reflections.

1. The goal was to raise a total of $100,000. We are close now with over 80k at this point. We still have a group of people that haven’t pledged yet. I am confident that when it is all counted up we will reach that goal. Thanks to all who participated.

2. I like to think of life challenges as part of a four prong puzzle.  This trip allowed me to touch on all four facets. First, I satisfied a goal of mine by completing a ride of this type. So that gave me satisfaction and that is a requirement of point one. Second, I was able to include my entire family. Tommy biked with us and both Sammy and Pia participated for a few days. Of course, Jane was key to the whole experience as she both biked and assisted. The inclusion of my entire family satisfied point two. The third point demands a connection to vocation. Our connection to the endurance business satisfies this third prong. The fourth and last point is an easy one to connect to this trip. Here one must be able to deliver something to the overall good of others. The collection for MS accomplishes this. The trip cross country checked all four boxes.

3. Let’s look at the cyclists.

Jane rode every day and looked after us all when not riding.

Mike and I biked the entire course and Mike was the Alpha biker. His biking experience, strength and equipment savvy kept us afloat.

Antonio biked the fourth most. He was steady throughout Texas.

John and Peggy came as a couple and had lots of positive influence, not least of which was experience with these kind of rides.

Myron is a legend as a distance cyclist and at 74 years of age he is a marvel.

Tom Lin rode several days and braved the coldest riding conditions he had ever faced.

Tommy rode for two days and was a refreshing addition.

Lastly we had Ruben ride with us and then help us plan our dining plans.

The entire Alpha Team was responsible for our success in both raising money but also finishing the adventure. Much thanks.

4. What do we do as an encore? Working on that now. Feel free to send some ideas.

5. Have to mention Tommy’s strength immediately after I was hit by a truck. Tough spot for him. Showed great poise. Will serve him well.

6. Special thanks to Pia for helping with this blog and to Sammy for driving with us. Huge help.

- TS, 2022

Day 29 (Last Day on the Bike)