Day 25

102 miles today. I was hoping for more but satisfied that we were able to fit that into the day. Another cold one but not as bad as yesterday. The Alpha Team continues to support each other and hoping that it translates into MS donations. Still a few of you who haven’t committed yet. Perhaps you are waiting to see if we will finish. Should be pretty clear by now that we will make an extraordinary attempt to finish.

1. Crossed into Florida today. The last state on the list. Started in California, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and now Florida. Simple as that. Hello Florida.

2. Most of the roads in Alabama and so far in Florida have been good for biking. Decent quality pavement, decent bike paths and some bike trails. Hope it continues.

3. Monday marks the last day of Pia and Tom Lin with the Alpha Team. They will be missed. Flying out of Tallahassee.

4. Had breakfast at a pretty upscale country club this morning. Made us think about the history of a club like that and wonder if all of our ancestors would have been welcome there years ago. Didn’t effect my appetite but was interesting. Lunch was simple and dinner was served by the best waitress that we have experienced so far on the trip. How great is it when the service is special? Clearly not the norm these days but great when you experience.

5. Crossed a ton of bridges today. Not my favorite thing on a bike but unavoidable.

6. Have received several donations from my High School classmates. Each one makes me smile. I was fortunate enough to go to a school where caring was a major piece of the curriculum. Lucky group to be associated with.

7. Day 26 needs to be a big day. I may have been a bit optimistic about the numbers. Will probably arrive in St Augustine on Thursday. The Alpha Team is trying as hard as possible and finishing is an absolute.

- TS, 2022

Day 26


Day 24